Raul Galindo

Raul Galindo - Full Stack Web Developer
+43 6644167614
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Who I am

My name is Raul Galindo and I am a Software Engineering Leader with more than 15 years of experience developing software professionally, mostly with Ruby and Javascript.

I hold a high standard of quality and style in everything that I do. I’m constantly working on improving my skills and workflow to become more productive as a manager, and as a team member.

My goal is to help companies succeed building quality products that impact and empower people using them.

What I can do

I mostly use ruby and a SQL server to build backends and JavaScript to build frontends. I also know other popular languages.

What I have done

Intellum, http://www.intellum.com
Engineering Manager - Remote

As an Engineering manager, my main responsibilies are ensuring our teams are staffed, performing and delivering quality solutions, while supporting the wellbeing and ongoing professional development of their members.

I have been able to understand and represent the nature of my team’s work, communicate the challenges and complexities to other stakeholders, and help to ensure the teams are making good decisions about where to spend their time and effort.

Altough I no longer contribute to my team’s goals by writing code or designing systems, I always search for outlets where I can perform some coding and general hands-on engineering. I also contribute technically in other ways, for example, writing and commenting on pitches, participating in breakdown and estimation sessions, interviewing and onboarding new engineers, and managing incidents.

Full Stack Developer - Remote

During my 5 years as an individual contributor at Intellum, I successfully ship dozens of features that contributed to establishment of the company as the leader in the Customer Education Platform

Some of the most important projects I was part of include

XING, http://www.xing.com
Full Stack Developer

I worked at XING as a full stack developer for the active recruiting platform (XING Talent Manager, Ruby on Rails backend with marionette.js), and later as a tech lead of the Company Profiles and Jobs Mobile teams (mostly ruby, some pyton). Appart from my developer role, my key responsabilities included keeping good communication between development and product owners, ensuring the stability and performance of the applications, API versioning, development of cross application features and helping other team members to achieve their goals.

IRONHACK, http://www.ironhack.com

Ruby, Ruby on Rails and other web technologies teacher at the Web Development Bootcamp.

Qustodian, http://www.qustodian.com
Full Stack Developer

Qustodian is an app that delivers highly segmentated messages based on user interests, geolocation and preferences.

It is a Rails stack extended by several PORO’s: service objects to handle business logic, form objects for data modeling and maping, serializers to format the models data being sent to others APIs’ and decorators to handle the presentation logic. There is also a good chunk of JavaScript on the frontend, written in DRY modular CoffeeScript.

The app is written in a clean fashion way, following SOLID principles and has a great test coverage using Rspec and Jasmine.

I also lead the frontend of the mobile web, using HTML5/CSS3 and JavaSCript.

TheGoodData, http://www.thegooddata.org
Frontend Developer

TheGoodData is a cooperative that allows users to obtain control of their data. I worked on the development of the Chrome extension using plain JavaScript and Html/CSS, and also worked on the website’s frontend.

Parkside, http://www.parkside.at
Frontend Developer

I was part of the Video2brain team, an international video training website with 400k+ users. As a frontend developer, JavaScript enhancements for user experience and topic/brand-focused microsite development were my main tasks, although i also did some backend development using Coldfusion and Mysql.

Gruebl Automatisierungstechnik
Full Stack Developer

KVZ – a standard Ruby on Rails 2.3 app that gathers project information, contacts and other information to help the workers to find accomodations, food and other services in eastern Europe, making their remote work much easier. I used a Mysql database and employed extensively jQuery datatables

PIM – also a RoR app to manage the problems and incidences of the support department. This app integrated with the KVZ App.

In both projects I was responsible for a variety of tasks including front and backend development, user experience design, visual design, and server setup.

Universidad Central de Venezuela
Facultad de Ciencias
Diploma Thesis

In order to achieve my Computer Science Diploma, I developed a Ruby on Rails app for the faculty library that allowed graduates to query other students’ thesis, and incorporate their own ones once finished.

More about me

I graduated from the Universidad Central de Venezuela in 2008 and moved to Europe. I am now based in Wolfsberg, Austria, where I live with my wife and two kids.

I’m fluent in English, German and Spanish.

I am an open and friendly person, always willing to have fun and enjoy what I do. I am a teamwork enthusiastic and always enjoyed pair programming with both more experienced and junior developers. I also enjoy helping younger programmers and put extra effort in coaching and inspiring them, and setting good example.

I enjoy life outdoors with my family and we all engage in surfing, skateboard, and snowboarding.